• Nature’s Healing, Image courtesy Lyndall Phelps

  • Nature’s Healing, Photography Lyndall Phelps

Nature’s Healing 2024

A permanent commission for Tweed Valley Hospital

Nature’s Healing is a digital print on vinyl in the hospital’s multi-faith room. My starting point was to research the ninety-two plants listed as threatened locally by Tweed Shire Council. Twelve species were chosen, all classified as either critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable. The title suggests these plants have now been hospitalised for protection; it also highlights the known health benefits of engaging with nature.


Plant species in ovals, starting top left to right:

Randia moorei Spiny Gardenia

Sophora tomentosa Yellow Necklacepod

Angiopteris evecta Giant Fern

Sarcochilus hartmannii Cliff Orchid

Acacia bakeri Scrub Wattle

Cupaniopsis serrata Smooth Tuckeroo


Plant species in circles starting top left to right:

Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii Ravine Orchid

Doryanthes palmeri Spear Lily

Gossia fragrantissima Sweet Myrtle

Fontainea oraria Coast Fontainea

Ochrosia moorei Southern Ochrosia

Pterostylis nigricans Dark Greenhood