Adopt a Sculpture 2016
Commissioned by Peterborough Presents, Peterborough
Adopt a Sculpture was part of Park Tales, a weekend festival aimed at rejuvenating interest in Thorpe Meadows’ sculpture trail, which is often overlooked and undervalued. Participating artists were also invited to take inspiration from the Meadow’s watery landscape and the rich diversity of flora and fauna that flourishes there. I created two interlinked works which explored the relationship between the sculptures and their natural environment. When the Meadows flood, the sculptures become islands in a watery terrain, allowing the wildlife to interact with them in unexpected ways.
My first work was a series of 24 floating sculptures, adorned with glass swans collected from charity shops, car boot sales and antique centres. They referenced the composition of Thorpe Meadows’ sculptures and the elegant Mute Swans, which are regularly seen in the Park. The second work, my Adopt a Sculpture stall, encouraged visitors to look afresh at the sculptures, by inviting people to take ownership of them. Once visitors pledged their ‘adoption’, they received a range of free artist’s multiples including hand screen printed drawings, badges and stickers.
Other commissioned artists included Jamie Gledhill, Kevin Green (Store), Scottee and Rich White.